

Página web » Productos » Productos cosméticos » C2 CONCENTRADO DE LIMPIEZA
Kosmetyki do naprawy łodzi oraz jachtów

C2 Sea-Line limpiador muy potente, soluble en agua y biodegradable, para una rápida y eficaz
eliminación de suciedad de las superficies barnizadas, laminado, aluminio, PVC y textiles.
La formula se diluye con agua en proporción 1:10 para ensuciamiento medio y 1: 5 para las manchas difíciles. Para la limpieza utilizar un paño o un cepillo suave. Después del tratamiento, enjuagar con abundante agua.

Envase de concentrado :


STEP BY STEP –CLEANING GRP (gelcoat) by using C2


Our vessels may sometimes look like the one in the picture below. We can quickly and easily make it look nice. C2 Concentrate Cleaner can be used on all kinds of  gelcoats and varnishes.



STEP 1 – Prepare Sea-line C2 Concentrate Cleaner

Thin Sea-Line® C2 with water at a ratio of:
o    1:5 for heavy contaminants
o    1:10 for average contaminants


STEP 2 – Cleaning GPR

Before starting work, clean the surface from contamination, e.g. sand. Using a sponge or a brush, apply C2 Concentrate Cleaner.


STEP 3 – Cleaning GPR

Non-slip surface or heavily soiled elements, scrub with a soft brush.



STEP 4 – Rinse

Removed contaminants and the product residues, rinse abundantly with water. Do not let contaminants dry out on the cleaned surface.


STEP 5 – Protecting GPR/varnish

To increase gloss, the surface may additionally be polished by using Sea-Line S1 or Sea-line S0 compound.


The cleaned surface protect (optionally) with Sea-Line S4 Protect Wax & Sea-Line S3 Clean & Protect spray



The picture shows a cleaned surface (right side) and its condition before using C2 Concentrate Cleaner (left side).


Sea-Line® C2 CONCENTRATE CLEANER is a concentrated product for cleaning GPR off lingering contaminants. It is a very powerful biodegradable, water soluble cleaner for quick and efficient removal of contaminants from such surfaces as:
•    GRP laminate
•    varnished surfaces
•    aluminium (masts, fittings)
•    PCV (pontoons).
•    rubber (reflectors, rubbing strakes, gaskets).
•    textiles (tents, covers, tarpaulins).

The modern formula of Sea-Line® C2 Concentrate Cleaner combined with a possibility of diluting the product, depending on the degree of contamination, makes it ideal for removing:
•    grease
•    oils (also hydraulic ones),
•    soot
•    discolorations and damp patches caused by rainfalls
•    other contaminants difficult to remove


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Nuestras FAQ
Respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes

Why despite the use of antifouing paint the bottom of the boat is overgrown?

Possible causes

  • Too thin layer of antifouling paint,
  • Choosing the wrong antifouling to type of a boat or yacht
  • Thinning of antifouling paint,
  • Incorrect surface preparation before antifouling application.

How to prevent

  • Apply the right layer thickness of paint indicated by manufacturer,
  • Choose antifouling dedicated to type of boat or yacht and suitable for the type of water,
  • Do not thin antifouling because of the risk of reducing effectiveness,
  • Careful surface preparations (grinding, clearing, degreasing),

How to remove

  • Wet grinding, apply new layers of antifouling paint.
  • Use C1 shell and fouling remover.

Why does the paint have no adhesion?

Possible causes

  • Wrong surface preparation,
  • Skipping the primer in the system application process,
  • Use of universal thinners or replacements ,
  • Paint incompatibility.

How to prevent

  • Correct surface preparation (grinding, clearing, degreasing),
  • Use primers which improve adhesion of paints,
  • Use thinners which are dedicated to each paints,
  • Use of paints which are compatible to each other.

How to remove

  • Grind, clean and paint again.

Can I purchase products directly from you?

We do not sell retail. Our products can be found in many stores in Poland and abroad. Our distributors run stationary and online stores. The full list of distributors and contacts can be found on our website at the following link click here.

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