

Página web » Productos » Extras » POLVO ANTIDESLIZANTE
Kosmetyki do naprawy łodzi oraz jachtów

Aditivo para barnizces superficiales de poliuretano.
Polvo antideslizante 20 gramos  para 750 ml de poliuretano u otro barniz superficial.
Añadir polvo a la mezcla, mezclar bien y esperar 15 minutos. Aplicar con rodillo de pelo corto.Durante la aplicación, mezclar la pintura a menudo.

Embalaje diseñado para latas de 0,75 L

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Nuestras FAQ
Respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes

Is it necessary to always sand the surface between application of two different products?

We recommend to always sand the surface between applying two different products to ensure uniform surface roughness and adhesion of subsequent layers. The sanded surface should also be cleaned and degreased.

Can I paint a boat, previously painted with 1 component paint, with polyurethane?

No, polyurethane is a 2-component paint (base + hardener) and after applying 2-component paint to 1-component paint, the proper adhesion of the paint to the surface will not be maintained, the paint will begin to wrinkle and surface defects will appear.

Can I purchase products directly from you?

We do not sell retail. Our products can be found in many stores in Poland and abroad. Our distributors run stationary and online stores. The full list of distributors and contacts can be found on our website at the following link click here.

Nuestra oferta
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