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Hard Antifouling

Hard antifouling is a hard antifouling paint recommended for owners of motorboats and sailboats moving at speeds up to 70 knots.

dark blue750 ml 300008284
dark blue2,5 l300008288
red750 ml300008286
red2,5 l300008289
black750 ml300008282
black2,5 l300008287
Hard Antifouling


Exposure of a freshly applied antifouling paint to moist air can lead to color change. The discoloration is only superficial and does not affect the effectiveness of the antifouling paint. Due to the content of copper oxide, a small color difference between the parts of the antifouling paint is acceptable.

Application method


  • brush
  • roller


  • airless spray

Product description "Hard Antifouling"

  • Suitable for salty and regular water.
  • Suitable for sailing and motor boats traveling with a maximum speed 70 knots.
  • For use on steel, wood and laminate hulls.
  • Do not use aluminum.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Fast drying time.
  • Thinning is not recommended because it reduces the effectiveness of the paint.
  • Paint is composed of copper oxide and resins. It does not contain tin compounds.
  • As a primer coat, use Sea-Line® epoxy primer  – for example:  Sea-Line® Antisorrosiv protection 4:1,  Lightprimer 5:1, Universal primer 1K.

Basic information

Type GRP laminates, wood, Steel
Place Below waterline
Function Antifouling paint discourages the growth
of barnacles, weed, and other water life on the
submersed hull of the boat.
Application brush, roll, spray gun
Thinning *No recommended
Theoretical coverage For 1l± 10 m2 for
90 μmWFT/ 50 μm DFT
Coats number 1 – 3
Maximum recommended layer thickness100 μm DFT
Time between layers Min 6 h
Dry to launch: Min 12 h

You have questions about the product - Hard Antifouling

    Thinning notice:

    In the case of high temperatures and the need to thin the antifouling paint, a maximum dilution of 0-5% (by volume) is recommended.
    Dilution and the application method directly affect the thickness of the antifouling paint layer.

    Special attention should be paid to obtaining a specific coating thickness (100 μm DTF), which ensures the effective operation of the antifouling paint.

    Also check

    Our FAQ answers to frequently asked questions

    Can I paint a boat, previously painted with 1 component paint, with polyurethane?

    It is not recommended to apply 2K paints over 1K paints. 1K and 2K inks differ in their composition and properties, including hardness, chemical resistance and durability. 1K paints are one-component and dry by evaporating the solvent, while 2K paints are two-component and need to be cured by adding a hardener. Applying 2K paint over 1K paint can cause unpredictable chemical reactions and lead to undesirable effects such as dulling, chipping or flaking of the paint. Therefore, always use paints according to the manufacturer’s instructions and do not mix different types of paints. farby zgodnie z instrukcjami producenta i nie mieszać różnych rodzajów farb.

    Is it necessary to always sand the surface between application of two different products?

    We recommend to always sand the surface between applying two different products to ensure uniform surface roughness and adhesion of subsequent layers. The sanded surface should also be cleaned and degreased.

    Can I purchase products directly from you?

    We do not sell retail. Our products can be found in many stores in Poland and abroad. Our distributors run stationary and online stores. The full list of distributors and contacts can be found on our website at the following link click here.

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