
Primaire époxydique Anti-osmose 3:2

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Primaire époxydique Anti-osmose 3:2

Primaire époxydique HS anti-osmose 3:2:

Type de bateau
stratifié, lamineux, GFK
EndroitAu dessous et au dessus de la ligne de flottaison
Functionprotection anti-osmose

osmose réparation

ApplicationPinceau, rouleau, projection
DilutionOui – dilutif pour les systèmes époxydiques
Rendement théorétique pour 1l6-7 m2

pour 150μm WFT/150 μm DFT

Nombre de couches1 – 4
Temps de travail  20°C45 minutes
Temps entre les couches Sans la nécessité de ponçageMin 8h
Max 72 h
0,75l –
7,5l –


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Notre FAQ
Réponses aux questions fréquemment posées

Why did the polyurethane topcoat become dull?

Possible causes

  • Too short time for evaporation of the thinner,

How to prevent

  • Maintain the right conditions for complete evaporation of the thinner,

How to remove

  • Mat the surface, degrease and apply the paint according to the rule (right conditions and thinning proportions)
  • Polish surface if needed.

Can I paint the bottom of the boat with polyurethane paint?

Yes, you can paint the bottom of the boat with polyurethane paint due to its high mechanical strength. We recommend this solution when the boat is not launched for a long time and is not exposed to fouling.

Can I add some thinner to antifouling paint?

There is a possibility of thinning antifouling, but we do not recommend this procedure due to the risk of reducing the effectiveness of the paint. If it is necessary to thin the antifouling paint, it is recommended to dilute it to a maximum of 0-5% (by volume).

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