
About us

Farby dla jachtów
About us

Sea-Line® has been present on the market since 2008 and belongs to Troton Company founded in 1978 in North-West Poland. Team consists about 200 employees. All factory plants fulfill demands of norms ISO 9001 and 14001. Quality of management is confirmed by audits TFS. All business processes as production, sales, payments are planned and executed by SAP system. Certification of Authorized Economic Operator AEO enable fast and easy export. Brand supports distributors and end-users in over 30 countries around the world.  Sea-Line® mission is to provide complete system of yachting paints and materials useful on every stage of boat building, boat repairs and maintenance.

These are the values which guide our work:

  • Quality – The highest quality raw materials, and high quality production in accordance with quality control protocol ISO 9001:2000, allow us to create the highest quality products.
  • Professionalism – We believe that a truly great product cannot be universal.  A product for all situations doesn’t really do a good job in any of them. Our customers are exceptional – we make our products to the specific demands of highly specialized professionals.
  • Openness – We listen to the market very carefully and get to know our customers’ problems. Our products are sold in Poland, western and Central Europe, Russia, and countries of the former USSR.
  • Ethics – is the overarching principle which guides both our internal company relations and our relations with our customers. Our honest business practices have gained wide recognition, and we have won many awards: the Fair Play association, „Gazele Biznesu“, „Polski Sukces“, and the Newsweek Responsible Business Award. You can read more in the chapter titled „Awards and Certificates“.
  • Caring for the natural environment – We care for our natural environment by being involved and by working in accordance with ISO protocol 14001:2004.


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Отговори на често задавани въпроси

Защо полиуретановата боя губи блясък?

Възможни причини:

  • Прекалено кратко време за изпаряване на разредителя, който остава в сместта.

Как да коригираме:

  • Осигурете изискуемите условия за изпаряване на разредителя.

Премахване на компрометирани продукти

  • Матирайте повърхността, обезмаслете и нанесете боята съгласно изискванията на производителя с подходящото разреждане,
  • Полирайте, ако е необходимо.

Могат ли лодъчните бои да се използват за резервоари с питейна вода?

Продуктите на Sea-Line са разработени като покритие на лодъчни и яхтени повърхности и различниматериали като ламинат, дърво, стомана и т.н. Нашата компания няма сертификация от национални здравни институции, които да позволяват използването напродуктите ни за танкове с питейна вода.

Може ли повърхността да се обезмасли с ацетон?

Не препоръчваме използване на ацетон за обезмасляване. Този продукт се изпарява бързо и повърхността обикновено остава недобре почистена.

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