

Accueil » Produits » Produits cosmétiques » C4 POUR LE NETTOYAGE DU BOIS
Sea Line farby jachtowe

Concentré biodégradable, soluble dans l’eau conçu pour un nettoyage facile et efficace de surfaces en teak. Le produit imite la couleur et ne laisse pas de traces (contrairement aux produits acides).
La substance n’est pas dangereuse pour les colles et les masses d’étanchéité.

Mode d’emploi :

Diluer le produit avec de l’eau suivant un rapport de 1:20 pour des salissures moyennes et de 1:10 pour de fortes salissures.
Nettoyer avec des mouvement parallèles aux veines du bois à l’aide d’une brosse douce.
Rincer abondamment.
Protéger en suite la surface en appliquant une huile pout teak.

Emballage :

250 ml / codes: 300006981

STEP BY STEP – Sea-Line® C4 Teak Cleaner

How to restore wood ?

Wood, over time, may start to look like in the picture below. It can easily and quickly be restored. C4 Teak Cleaner can be used on all kinds of wood used in boatbuilding. C4 is recommended also as a compound cleaning wooden elements (benches, tables, balustrades or entresols) in a household.

STEP 1 – Soak the surface

Before you start cleaning, soak the surface thoroughly and let it absorb water.

STEP 2 – Prepare Sea-Line C4 Teak Cleaner

Thin Sea-Line C4 Teak Cleaner with water at a ratio of:

STEP 3 – Wood cleaning

Leaving C4 Teak Cleaner on the surface max. 15 minutes before starting the cleaning, will make it easier to clean it efficiently. C4 Teak Cleaner should not dry out on the surface after application.

Using a soft brush, remove contaminants moving along the growth rings.

STEP 4 – Rinse

Removed contaminants and the product residues, rinse abundantly with water. Do not let contaminants dry out on the cleaned surface.

STEP 5 – Efect after first cleaning

If necessary, fragments which were not cleaned for the first time due to high contamination and require more thorough cleaning, should be cleaned again.

STEP 6- Secure

After drying, wood can be secured with teak oil.

Sea-Line® C4 TEAK CLEANER is biodegradable, water-soluble product for quick and efficient cleaning of teak wood, exotic wood and other kinds of wood. C4 Teak restores the colour and leaves no residues difficult to remove. The product is safe for sealants and adhesives during the wood cleaning.

The picture shows a cleaned surface (right side) and its condition before using C4 Teak Cleaner (left side).


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Notre FAQ
Réponses aux questions fréquemment posées

Can I paint a boat, previously painted with 1 component paint, with polyurethane?

No, polyurethane is a 2-component paint (base + hardener) and after applying 2-component paint to 1-component paint, the proper adhesion of the paint to the surface will not be maintained, the paint will begin to wrinkle and surface defects will appear.

Can I degrease surfaces with acetone?

We do not recommend degreasing the surface with acetone, because acetone evaporates very quickly, which affects the quality of cleaning the painted surface.

Can I add more hardener to speed up the reaction?

Do not add more hardener, because after the base has cured, the remaining hardener will react with subsequent layers, which will be applied to the surface and cause defects. For the product to work properly, please follow the proportions given by the manufacturer.

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