
À l’automne encore plus riche palette de couleurs – yacht de polyuréthane gris maintenant disponible

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À l’automne encore plus riche palette de couleurs – yacht de polyuréthane gris maintenant disponible

Novembredans la palettede couleursDéjàSea-Line a gagnégris -RAL7000.

Polyuréthanegrisest parfaitement adaptéau côtéde voiliers, bateaux à moteur, catamaranset bateaux de pêche.
En combinaisonavec de la peintureen poudregriseantidérapanteport de plaisanceest recommandé pourles ponts et lesmarches d’escaliers.


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Notre FAQ
Réponses aux questions fréquemment posées

Can I use universal thinner?

We do not recommend using universal thinners. The use of a thinner with an unknown composition may result in loss of adhesion, lack of proper flow of paint and varnish defects.

Can I add more hardener to speed up the reaction?

Do not add more hardener, because after the base has cured, the remaining hardener will react with subsequent layers, which will be applied to the surface and cause defects. For the product to work properly, please follow the proportions given by the manufacturer.

Why despite the use of antifouing paint the bottom of the boat is overgrown?

Possible causes

  • Too thin layer of antifouling paint,
  • Choosing the wrong antifouling to type of a boat or yacht
  • Thinning of antifouling paint,
  • Incorrect surface preparation before antifouling application.

How to prevent

  • Apply the right layer thickness of paint indicated by manufacturer,
  • Choose antifouling dedicated to type of boat or yacht and suitable for the type of water,
  • Do not thin antifouling because of the risk of reducing effectiveness,
  • Careful surface preparations (grinding, clearing, degreasing),

How to remove

  • Wet grinding, apply new layers of antifouling paint.
  • Use C1 shell and fouling remover.
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